My Blog

Tools to Help the Journey

Loving your Body


Energy is THE basis of our human body - it allows for the functioning of our organs and communication with our higher selves. Energy practices are the root of being centered, with practices (such as those taught by Donna Eden) being at the mainstay of how your body works.

Living Green


Eliminating toxins, in all aspects of your life, will being about healing of your body, mind, and soul. This includes diet, topicals, chemicals, and even people. Toxins in all these areas can contribute to bodily fatigue in many ways. Eliminating toxins can make a huge difference in your overall health.

Aligning your "Inner You"


Your beliefs will likely change as well, as you go through this transformative process. You might see a new version of you - out with the old, in with the new. It can be an exciting (and frustrating) time as new thought processes, understandings, and parts of "you" make themselves known.